Posted On: February 10, 2020 by BioAdvance Prosthetic Solutions in: Activity Prosthesis Prosthetic Sports

Does the new year have you excited and motivated to step out of your comfort zone? It’s a great time to try something new that’s fun but also physically challenging.
Cycling is a fantastic way to strengthen your cardiovascular system. One of the best parts about cycling is that it can be done nearly all times of the year either indoors or in the great outdoors. It’s an activity that can be fun with a group of people or can be just what you need to clear your head. If you’re looking for a hobby that will improve stamina and strength while being low impact, this is it! Be sure to meet with us ahead of time to ensure your prosthesis is prepared to take on the terrain you are seeking. Modifications can be made to most bicycles, it may just take some practice getting used to figuring out what’s most comfortable.
Rock Climbing
Are you ready to take on a height challenge? Rock climbing requires a lot of upper body strength and concentration. It’s an activity that’s fun on your own but even better with a group. With rock climbing, there will always be a new level for you to attain. If you’re someone who likes to set the bar high, this may be for you. There is adaptive equipment available for anyone interested in rock climbing.
Martial Arts
If you’re looking to develop inwardly as much as you are outwardly, martial arts is a great start. Taekwondo is a common form of martial art that many amputees enjoy. The adaptation for amputees is not so different from the original form. Points are earned as each opponent strikes the other’s trunk protector. There are no hits to the head allowed. They focus on foot and fist strikes.
Running is an excellent choice for a person’s health. It’s challenging and fun as well as mentally and physically rewarding. You don’t have to start out expecting to be able to run a marathon or even a 5K. It takes time to build up stamina and get comfortable with the movement of your prosthesis while running. If it’s a hobby you want to take on fully, there are great options for prosthetics. Train on your own or with a group, just remember that if you set your mind to your goal you can get there. Trust the process.
If the competitive nature in you is ready to break out, wheelchair basketball may be your next stop. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to use a wheelchair every day to qualify to play. You can start by playing with an everyday wheelchair, but if you become a real enthusiast, you may want to consider a sports wheelchair.
If you’re ready to start a new hobby this year but need some assistance getting started, please reach out. We would be happy to help you meet your goals this year.